Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Defining success

Augsburg women's golf head coach Laura Patrick talks about the team's fall half of the 2008-09 season, and how she defines success with the Auggies.

Success can be defined by many people ... you, your coach, your family, your friends, your opponents, and the media. It can also be defined in many ways ... winning, stats, scores, personal achievements, becoming a better person, etc. Overall, I believe that success should be defined by the ways each of us improve from day to day.

Looking at the finishes our team had this fall, many would say that our season was not successful. The only people who would believe that are those who look at the program from the outside without really knowing the accomplishments we have achieved in becoming better golfers, better people, and a better team.

When I took this job as the women's golf coach at Augsburg, my mission was to help each student-athlete become the best golfer, student, and person they could possibly be. It is those steps towards maximizing each person's potential that I define as success. With that said, I believe that our team had a very successful season. Looking back, there have been many achievements on our team that will lead to continued improvement in life and golf; and isn't that what it's all about anyway?

Many of our achievements have come in the following forms:

Scoring/Skill Improvement

- The team scoring average is currently 6.6 strokes better than last season’s scoring average.
- Three out of four returning players had improved scoring averages.
- Three out of four returning players shot their collegiate career-low round this fall -- some beat last years low round multiple times.
Each player has experienced skill improvement throughout the season -- learning to get out of the bunker in one instead of two shots, mastering the chip shot, an improved putting stroke, hitting more greens/fairways, etc.

Team Commitment
- Those struggling with illness/injuries worked very hard with the training staff to improve their condition and/or work through the pain in order to continue to contribute to the team.
We have learned to work together as a team to create strong bonds in a predominately individual sport.
We support teammates when they need encouragement and understanding.
We are truly a golf team that other schools enjoy playing with. Coaches, players, and the families from other teams enjoy being paired with Auggies. This speaks very highly of our players and their families!

Personal Improvement
- Each team member is better at dealing with things outside of her control (weather, bad bounces, etc.). Note: I didn’t hear one person complain when we played in cold rain for two days at the Division III Midwest Classic.
We have improved at managing our own expectations (and our perception of other people's expectations) on the course in order to focus on what is important at that point in time.
We have learned that when it all comes together and we have a great round, that it is a lot of fun; but when things don't go well, we know that everything will still be OK. Our golf score does NOT determine our self worth -- coaches, teammates, families, and friends will not like/love you any less if you have a bad day. This, in turn, has helped to reduce anxiety and to improve our focus on the shot at hand.
Each player has improved their time and energy management so that practices are more productive and adequate time is left over to maintain a high level of academic excellence, while also balancing all of the other opportunities that Augsburg has to offer.

All of the items listed above I view as successes. A culmination of those successes has led to career rounds of golf, lower scoring averages, and having more fun! I truly believe that these successes, while not often seen, are the building blocks for future successes that will catch the attention of those who are not so familiar with our program. We may not always remember the shots we hit or the scores we carded, but we will remember the great memories we have made and how we overcame adversity (on and off the golf course). Achieving these successes in the face of adversity is the greatest lesson that we can pass on to others in times of need.

With that being said, we will continue our approach of taking one day at a time, trying to be the best we can be that day, and see how it all turns out (knowing that we have a great support system if things don’t go as planned). That in itself is the definition of being an Auggie.

I am proud of each student that participates on our team. Their contributions, determination, sacrifices, and love for the sport and the college have all shown through in a manner that I wish more people could witness.